Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Writing class

I have joined a memoir writing class! I found it difficult at first to write a memory and then read it to the class. I felt exposed and embarrassed, so I left out my feelings about what had happened. It was 'just the facts'. However, with encouragement from the class and the class leader/teacher I have begun to include how I felt or now feel in my writing. This is a class for retired people and the leader is a retired inspirational speaker, writer and editor - Judith Knight. I feel fortunate to have her guidance. It is interesting that we have several friends in common, but we haven't met until now. Hearing other's experiences is also very entertaining. Some are very funny, though not alway intentionally. Some bring tears and all are interesting.


  1. Sounds like a good class to take. You should include your memoirs here on the blog! I'd love to hear some stories :)

  2. me too - I love the Christmas memory you recorded.

  3. That sounds like a wonderful class! How neat that the class is all so accepting that everyone is encouraged, and shares their feelings and experiences!
